Saturday 23 June 2012


I'm blogging from Changi Airport Terminal 1 right now using the Blogger App. I can't exactly say that I am ready for this run, I'm quite exhausted after returning from the 5 days @ OBS just yesterday.

The 5 days at OBS wasn't exactly fun, but I had a very satisfying time helping my team mates through mental and physical challenges and putting a smile on their faces.

I learnt that 'It's the small actions in life that matter,' and also I learnt what is truly necessary for us. Bathing in Quarries and playing classic card games like Old Maid, or simply watching the stars in the night in sticky sweaty tents, it was all an eye-opening experience on how we were losing our connection with nature.

Even simple things like listening to Payphone in the middle of a 11 Hour Sea Expedition was a luxury. It was simple, priceless fun with the peeps, despite the rain, mud, and their allies. At the end of the 5 days, new bonds were made, and unforgettable memories have been created. It has made me a better outdoor leader too, with new skills of prioritising and providing feedback. I can apply these skills in my everyday life too. I would love to return to OBS in the future.

This is my watch, Tenzing from Camp 2 Alpha. We are a bunch of vibrant colours, and when we come together, our strength is amplified and our weaknesses are minimised.

Tenzing is like any cloud in the sky, with 4 stages.
1. Forming Stage
- Where we as single clouds start to merge to form a larger cloud, we are all very polite and formal.
2. Norming Stage
- We get used to one another, getting to know personalities, strengths and weaknesses, the cloud is large and heavy now.
3. Storming Stage
- We let it loose, we are out of our comfort zone, we are all tensed, sticky and sweaty, pushed both physically and mentally, it brings out both the best and the worst among us. Rain pours out from the cloud. Flashes of brilliance, lightning, also appear.
4. Rainbow
- The different colors come together to form a spectacular sight for all to see. We are united and share a common vision, the end is in sight, we truly understand one another and have seen the products of our unity.

This was shared to us by our instructor, Kerrie. I admire the high level of professionalism and discipline displayed by all the instructors at OBS.

                      The stars wouldn't shine if it wasn't for the dark, guess what, all they needed was a spark.

Tenzing, our paths in life may not lead to crossroads, but we will always have the spirit of Tenzing in us.

Showing the people around me that if they wanted to do it, they could do it was very satisfying. Out shared hunger and desire for success made us unstoppable.

Right now, I'm going to board the plane. Haven't been in one for almost two years now, I will give my absolute best and enjoy myself in KL. Soon after, I have to focus more on my studies, to bring up my grades.

For all those racing, have a superb run.

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