Tuesday 22 May 2012


Today's MR25 Track Session

4 x (1200m + 400m)
75 secs after 1200m and 2 mins between sets
1200s at 10k pace, 400s at 3k pace

06:15 warm up (3km)
06:30 start

As usual, we meet on the track, close the seating area. The track is on Evans Rd, just off Bukit Timah Rd

Met a new friend after a MR25 Track Session today, his name is Tommy. He's a very friendly and encouraging guy, a former teacher at both MGS and RJC, had a good chat with him today after training. He told me that when he was at MGS, Renuka Santhianathan (National Runner and MR25 Member) used to be slightly out of shape and her father used to drop her at the track every morning at 0615. And she will run, she kept going add it, and she studied as hard or if not, even harder and she succeeded in life. Look where she is now, it's really inspiring. He also told me of a student he remembers very fondly, he has a lot of talent but due to complacency, he didn't score well. But students surrounding him who weren't ass smart as him, worked their asses off and they are doctors now. Tommy has two children himself, and he brings them off to Hike often. He has been with MR25 for almost 7 years now, he is a very fast runner himself. He told me to run and study hard, only then you will be able to succeed in life. Tommy himself is an example, during his time at MGS he was the only teacher around who didn't have a degree, despite that he shone because of his attitude and passion for learning.

Renuka and Singapore Blade Runner are featured in this video!

Running shapes your life in all ways, I had to agree with him on that! Due to running, be it a co-incidence or not, many new doors have been open for me in my life, today my brother Lenney received great news that he was ranked first in his class! I am very proud of him. As for me, I am guilty of being complacent and I got what I deserved, it's time for me to catch up during these holidays.

Tommy introduced me to another training session, not an interval but rather a sustained session. A group of speedy veterans will run for one hour straight at Bukit Gombak Stadium every Thursday at 0630 sharp. They will run slow for the first 15 minutes to kick things off, gradually increase their pace and then slow down towards the 60 minute mark. Tommy being a fast runner himself said he was the slowest runner there. But I still will go for it, as surrounding myself with a group of people who are faster than me, and at the same time highly encouraging will be beneficial for me. I am certainly looking forward to the Bukit Gombak Sessions, wish to go with Lenney but he will be going to Taiwan for a well deserved vacation.

Another thing Tommy learnt from these running groups, "In running, or anything that you do, it's the company that either breaks you down or lifts you up. So surround yourself with the best, you will be the best."
He admitted that he was guilty of falling into the wrong company, which caused him to perform below par for his A Level examinations. Well he did have a lot of fun, but a lot of time was wasted in the process too.

"A man's growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends." - Arafat Maverick

I'm glad to have met a new friend in Tommy, and I will attend the Bukit Gombak training session next week, as I have IMT for NCC this Thursday and will not be able to make it in time for it. Will see how my legs feel, may attend SICK Training!

I hope I will recover in time tough.. ;-)


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