Sunday 6 May 2012

MR25 Progressive Run Series 2012 - 15km

This morning, the MR25 Runners held the second run in the series of four progressive runs. The 15km ran began at 7am sharp.

I joined the progressive run series as the Freedom Freaks were sending two teams in and also the race had a small number of participants. Creating a friendly 'kampung' spirit without compromising a well organized race. There were many elites in the race, like Gen Lim, Renuka and also some of our own very own elite demons. Anyway it was free for MR25 members, so why not? It was going to be a fun race, although I did not train up properly before this run, I still went ahead. A 1h 25mins finish would be good enough, although I was secretly hoping for a 1h 20 finish. The previous 10km, I finished with a time of 53minutes, still waiting to break that 50min barrier! Lenney joined the run this morning too, his first progressive series run, he signed up on the spot.

The pre-race brefing, the two demons in the center of the picture in blue. ('Chong' Izat and the Unicorn Yao Ming!)

I tried to split the race into two portions, 10km and 5km and was gunning for a strong finish. But my plans backfired within the first 5km, I started to walk, was feeling immense pains in my thighs. I guess it's because it was the first time I wore heavily cushioned shoes again after almost 3 months. I am trying to transition to barefoot running, switching between my Bikilas and naked feet. I wanted to wear Bikilas this morning, but I haven't tried running with them in the trails before, I didn't want to try something out on race day that I haven't tried during training. My muscles really cramped up big time after all that heel striking during the run. I will start hitting the trails with Bikilas soon. Okay, now back to the race!

There was a whole lot of walking for me, at least 1km of walking I think. A few short seconds of walking then I'll be back running, but this happened too often and affected my tempo. I told myself, to enjoy the race and aim for a strong finish. The race had 3 water-points (we passed by the second one twice) which was sufficient. At the 7km point, it was Dejavu as I met the roots again, and struggled up them. A check on my watch, 42 minutes at 7km, a slow 6 mins pace. I tried to pick up the pace but always ended up slowing down. A 1.25 finish didn't seem possible, well it's okay, I pressed on. At the 12km point I me Lance Sum, who encouraged me and said 'Let's Go!', I drafted him for about 1.5km. Along Lornie Road, there was a fallen tree and runners had to bend under it, was kinda unique, although I am sure I did affect some runner's performances, no biggie. So with 1km left, I picked up the pace. I managed to get a quick look at the stopwatch, it showed 1.26 I think. Not exactly satisfied, but I did have fun and learn some things during this run! ;-) I will start training at the sacred training ground (MacRitchie Reservoir) more often now, those slopes can help can help me to become a stronger and faster runner, in VFFs of course. 

The Freaks after the Run! They all did well and ripped up the trails of MR.
Here are some of their results! :-)
  1. Izat (1.04)
  2. Yao Ming (1.06)
  3. Meng Chai (1.09)
  4. Asree (1.11)
I'll post up the rest of  the results after the official results have been released! Well done to all today, we certainly made our mark at the MR25 and the two teams are faring well in the Teams category. They are giving the MR25 Runners a good run for their money, literally. ;-)

After completing my run, I went back up to the zig-zag bridge to cheer the runners on and wait for Lenney, he arrived at about 2.15. He had an unfortunate fall as he muscles cramped up, but he soldiered on and finished the race at 2.20!
I am proud of him, although he wasn't feeling that good after the run, he should be very proud of himself for finishing the run, despite the circumstances. He is a champion, we all are champions. Well done buddy! And I'm sure he will come back stronger next time around, nonetheless a tough but good race experience for us.

He did have an unpleasant experience with the person who was manning the second water-point. It was a hot morning and the man was probably standing there for an hour or two, maybe he might have not been in the right mood. Let's forget about it bro.

Let me share something with you guys that Arafat (Singapore Blade Runner's Manager) said once.
Many times I have been doubted, but I believe proving those who have doubted you wrong is very satisfying! ;-)
small words never hurt a big dream or idea. Let those people say whatever they want.. Cos it won't do them any good anyway. It is only that they need to be careful on whose toes their stepping on today because they might be connected to the foot that kicks their own ass tomorrow.

Well at the end point, we met a familiar face! The man with the ever-present smile and camera, Tan Tick Hock.

Chatted with him and he told me that he had three marathons coming up in the next three months. Sundown, SCKLM and the Pattaya Marathon, then after that it would be the Craze Ultra! ;-)
My Dad who is getting back into running, made friends with Mr. Tan too.
It was a good end to a great day, and I look forward to the 20km Progessive Run on the 1st July, gotta train up for it too! 

Run Free! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Glad we made it! Let's move forward to our aims and goals. Run fun and run safe. :)
